Why Online Therapy?
Research demonstrates that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy. This is particularly true for individuals who struggle with anxiety, OCD, and trauma, and require highly specialized care with providers who are trained in the most cutting-edge, evidence-based interventions.
​Virtual therapy also allows us to to tailor your treatment to your individual situation. For many people with OCD, their home is the place where they engage in a significant number of obsessions and compulsions. By having a direct view into the places that trigger you the most, I will help you address how to cope with your specific fears and concerns. By practicing exposures together during session while you are home, you will begin to increase your confidence in your ability to approach your triggers on a daily basis.
Virtual therapy is not for everyone. Individuals who are experiencing active suicidal ideation, active self-harm, active drug or alcohol abuse, or suffering from auditory or visual hallucinations may be better served in person. Learn more about the possibility of in-person sessions here.